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Saydu takes precise and detailed photos. He takes pride in what he does and takes his time. He always finds the right prompts and angles. I like how in all of his photos he finds the right colour, lighting, and subject lines for each subject. 


Raffy, Vaughan ON

Saeed is a great photographer. He shoots in a fun and relaxed, suggested poses. He is very careful and always keeps focus on his target. Saeed strives to achieve the best possible photos by placing himself at the right places at the right times by shooting quickly as we all know that nobody has all the time to stare at the camera for too long and by involving himself in as much of the event itself as he can to help make sure he gets the full picture.

He is amazing and the best photographer.


Meriam, Toronto ON

What I like about Saydu's photography is the humanity of the picture, the way he makes a little normal thing look incredible by capturing the soul of a portrait. I think he's so talented and his work is incredible and amazing, because you can look at a picture once or twice but think of it all the time. 


Hunaina, Toronto. 

Saydu has different skills and interests such as listening music, photographing, editing and even video shooting. Almost all, if not all, of his skills and interests are based on arts. He’s not only a creative photo editor, but he’s also an amazing photographer. He’ll see something and just come up with different ideas about of it. He does not let go of a good opportunity—if he doesn’t have his camera, he has his phone. He is always ready to take pictures. He’ll capture it just like the way he capture every moment he spends in this life. Saydu likes to capture people or objects. He’s not a really nature capturer, but when he does capture nature, he still does a good job. 

Saydu’s editing is another reason why he is a great artist. He can change something that’s not attractive into something really attractive that can grab people’s attention. Many people ask him for edits and even send pictures to him to edit. Saydu likes to surprise people by sending edited pictures of them on their special days, like birthdays. It’s really amazing the way he does his edits because he mostly bases them on the original picture. His edits are not obvious and are without mistakes. Saydu also likes to use different softwares to get different tools. He would edit one picture with more than three softwares to make it even better. Also even though his skills could make lots of money he doesn’t do it for money, but because he loves what he’s doing.


Fahmey, Toronto ON

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